Symbolism of Celtic Soul Prayer Beads

Ways to Use Prayer Beads 

  • Meditation - Counting, using a mantra 

  • Saying prayers or chants 

  • Breathing into the circle - Using the 3 step beads to connect to a favorite place, using the beads with a mantra (which can be as simple as made up words, helps us focus as it doesn’t create images) then eventually just sinking into the feeling of place and into meditation without a chant or counting. One example of writing your own prayers is rewriting old prayers or charms. For example:

Create your own prayer book - I made the above booklets from folded printer paper and a black piece of card for the cover, or use a notebook or journal. Copy prayers or poems - from favorite writers such as John O’Donohue etc. Build up your own collection of writings you may wish to use as prayers.